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Try Our Client's Favorite Plan!
Experience our clients #1 plan, Tiki Ten! Get every session 1/2 off, any time, any where, with discounts on Sunless & More!

With Tiki Ten, get access to the lowest tanning prices ever!
✔ Use at any 5 Tiki Locations
✔ 5 Star Smart Tan Certified Staff
✔ No Commitment Membership
✔ Over 100+ Tanning Booths & Beds
✔ Lowest Tanning Plan Ever!
No Hidden Costs!
Check out the prices for each level. We do not require you to purchase a lotion packet or to come at any specific time. This deal is just for you, any time, all month long.
Join Today!
Join for $24.95 Single Month or $10/Billed Monthly

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